Recommended Reads
The following books have been essential to the formation of my design and development practice. I highly recommend them to support your own learning journey.
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Manage Memory for Deeper Learning
Dr. Patti Shank
Manage Memory for Deeper Learning describes and shows four research-based strategies and 21 specific tactics for managing memory in adult instruction. The strategies and tactics come from research in cognition, learning, information design, usability, user experience, and comprehension. For each strategy, Patti supplies specific actionable tactics that you can implement right this minute, with examples, checklists, and job aids.
Explicit Direct Instruction
John Hollingsworth, Silvia Ybarra
Written in an entertaining, teacher friendly, easy to read style with classroom examples, boxed features, and detailed sample lessons, the book covers checking for understanding, lesson objectives, activating prior knowledge, concept and skills development, guided practice, and much more. EDI is appropriate for ALL learners in inclusive and diverse classrooms.
Brain Rules
John Medina
Dr. John Medina, a molecular biologist, shares his lifelong interest in how the brain sciences might influence the way we teach our children and the way we work. In each chapter, he describes a brain rule - what scientists know for sure about how our brains work - and then offers transformative ideas for our daily lives. Medina’s fascinating stories and infectious sense of humor breathe life into brain science.
Contemporary Theories of Learning
Knud Illeris
Professor Knud Illeris has collated chapters that explain both the complex frameworks in which learning takes place and the specific facets of learning. Each international expert provides either a seminal text or an entirely new précis of the conceptual framework they have developed over a lifetime of study, such as adult learning theory, learning strategies, and the cultural and social nature of learning processes.
Interface Design for Learning
Dorian Peters
How does interface design actually impact learning? And how do we design environments that support both the cognitive and emotional sides of learning experiences? The answers have been hidden away in the research on education, psychology, and human computer interaction, until now.
The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design
Flint Dille, John Zuur Platten
The authors of this title are top game designers and focus on creating games that are an involving, emotional experience for the gamer. Topics include integrating story into the game, writing the game script, putting together the game bible, creating the design document and working on original intellectual property versus working with licenses.
Multimedia Learning
Richard E. Mayer
In this second edition, Mayer includes double the number of experimental comparisons, 6 new principles - signalling, segmenting, pertaining, personalization, voice and image principles. The 12 principles of multimedia instructional design have been reorganized into three sections - reducing extraneous processing, managing essential processing and fostering generative processing.